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I don't know what is going on with google or google chrome.  For weeks now, I haven't been able to get into this website and several others.  Hell, I couldn't even get into google's gmail or support.   It keeps giving me error messages saying it is not safe.  What the hell?  Is Big Brother trying to quiet the truth?  I finally downloaded firefox and got back into this website.  I uninstalled google chrome and may never go back to it.  This is ridiculous and outrageous. Stay tuned for more.... 









                       JOHN NELSON DARBY:

John Nelson Darby during the 1800's, changed the whole concept of the Christian Rapture.  To be more precise, the Pre-Tribulation Rapture-which before he came along, had never seen taught in 1800 years; since the crucification of Christ.

To simplify the matter of Pre-Tribulation: it is NOT supported in the original Scriptures.  The only literature that supports this concept was in the new Scofield reference bible.

In one of the last verses of Revelation, God has warned man to neither remove or add verses to His written Word.  Jesus Himself in the book of Mark (to name one) that He would come once and gather His elect(children).  By all original writings, THAT IS the end of the Tribulation period.

All common sense seems to have escaped the teachings of the church, but not surprisingly.  God said that a great deception would be put upon the world, even a lot of His own will be deceived with these false teachings.


I, myself have been deceived by this doctrine; which I now know to be false.  By comparing original Scriptures and books written in Greek, Latin and Hebrew translations that were written before the English translations, I find this doctrine to be without merit of any sort; in that particular text of the Rapture.


The Scofield edition bible in my 35 years of Biblical research has brought me to the conclusion that there is a lot of fraudulent changes of God's Word, given to the prophets and disciples who were the authors of God's Word; given to them by God.


I write this to those who hope that they will forego or escape the Tribulation because of these false teachings.  It is NOT to be, unless you die first and escape in that manner.  


Let's take a look at a little simple reasoning.  Tribulation is a 7 year period, during which time Christians and Jews who believe that the Messiah WAS  crucified, will be martyred (killed), tormented and hunted as enemies of the Anti-Christ.

So, being that being as it may be as they said it would be; how is it there are Christians left in the world during the time for The Anti-Christ to war -against them-if according to John Darby that we've all be Raptured BEFORE the Tribulation?

It cannot be both ways and if we are being murdered, tormented and hunted by the Anti-Christ during this Tribulation period, then the Pre-Tribulation is an outright deceptive lie.

If any Christians or believers read this, find a Bible Scripture that was written BEFORE Darby's change of the Word.  Many clergy, ministers and faiths have bought into this lie.  The Word itself said people would seek teachings that will tickle their ears and thoughts.

This is one of those teachings that fall directly under that theory of Pre-Tribulation.  Because of this change in God's Word, when many Christians realize they're being hunted, tormented and murdered for their faith; they'll feel betrayed by God because of the teachings of this false doctrine.

It won't be God's doing, it's the fault of the so-called worldly church that deceives them but nonetheless, many will give up their because they will believe their pastors and clergy instead of God.


 My warning to the many that need this is DO NOT be deceived.  Do as Jesus told you in the Scriptures, be prepared.  When these things happen, He said run to the wilderness and hide yourselves from the one who would do harm to you and He will take care of you.

{John Darby is the author of one of the greatest lies ever told to the Christian faith}.

I know this on a news blog, but this IS news; done in love for my brothers and sisters in Christ.  DO NOT be deceived.  If we are alive, we WILL go through the Tribulation period.








As a woman, I would like to address feminists, libtards, etc.  Is it men's fault that you pick the wrong men?  Maybe you should consider the fact that your picker is broke.

If you cannot take personal responsiblity for your mistakes, don't generalize your fault on every man.  Men are not created equazl, there are bad ones and there are some great ones. I am fortunate enough to know this personally.  I have had more than my share of bad men in my life and now at the age of 57, I have been blessed to know men who are decent, caring and real.

If you continue to look for men in the same old manner, you'll continue to find the losers that you end up with; therefore making you feel justified in being a man-hating feminist.

Good luck with your empty life of hate that you actually had something to do with yourself.  If you believe that your life is so bad and your rights as a woman is so poor in this country, try moving to a Middle Eastern country with Sharia Law.

There, you can expect abuse and violence on women that here in this country would be barbaric.  In a Muslim country, if you claim you were raped, you'd better have 4 male witnesses and even then; they may not believe you.

Sexual predatory behavior is common place in most MIddle Eastern countries.  I've talked to plenty of women that region that identify to that fact.  They have no legal recourse to rescue them from it.  So all you man hating Libtard feminists, go ahead and beg for Sharia Law in this country.

You'll get exactly what you asked for and you won't want it.  Main stream media is not reporting about the dozens of rapes, but the hundreds of rapes across European countries every week.  Nothing is being done about that.

The governments are powerless to stop it, they brought these people in(as refugees and now they can't control them).  So be careful what you ask for ladies or you can continue to medicate yourselves with shopping, sex, drugs, alcohol and hatred.

Personally, I think you are all a bunch of sheep; blindly following all the other sheep over the hatred cliff.  Good luck with that.

You hurt no one but yourself.

Woman to woman, I do have a suggestion for anyone out there willing to hear.  How about getting on your knees and begging Jesus Christ for forgiveness to remove that hatred from your heart.  It took me many years to get over that anger and hatred I carried like a badge of honor.

I was a hard-core Christian for many years and then I went through some very hard trials.  I turned my back on God and His Precious Son, Jesus.  But they never turned their backs on me. I met a man two years ago, who loves Jesus so much that for two years; he taught me by example to fall in love with Jesus for the first time in my life.

You notice I said first time?  Even though I was a hardcore Christian, I was never in love with Jesus.  I played at being a Christian and I had to beg forgiveness for what disasters I may have caused people by my ignorance of the Bible.

It's nothing to do with religion, religion is the scurge of this world now.  Look at what religions are doing to each other in the name of God.  We need a personal relationship with Jesus.  Men will always  let you down but Jesus NEVER will.

Christian is a word that is thrown around so much, that it has lost most of it's meaning today.  What people need is a personal relationship with Jesus.  Believing on him, loving Him and following Him, no matter what happens in our lives is what He wanted from us.  Not! to hang names on hundreds of denominations that are almost uncountable.  That is what is destroying this world.  All we do is fight about indoctrination, what is expected of us, the way we dress, the way we appear and out.  Jesus said "Come to Me just as you are".  And in truth, He said that.  Because of the corruption and the brokeness of our hearts and minds.

Once we get to a level, where we realize individually just how unworthy and corrupt as a people and individuals and go to Him with that knowledge and honestly ask Him to forgive us and heal us, then and only then will He do it.


How many times, myself included; have I tried to ask God, if You'll do this for me, I will do this for You.  It's not a game, it's not Let's Make A Deal. God is already made his deal with us, He sent His Son, to die on the cross, so that we might have eternal life.  But as I said, you don't make deals with God.  God says let your yes be yes and your no be no.  I myself, have said yes Lord, I will follow you, no matter what.

If you really believe that you can fool God with let's make a deal, you will always come up on the short end of the stick on that deal.  I do not know where people get the idea or been taught the idea that following God and His Son would make our lives peaches and cream.  As a matter of fact, it would invite more worldly trouble than before.

Because Jesus said, that the world hated Me first, it will hate you more.  Yes, I have heard the argument,  wasn't that paid for on the cross?  And my answer, which is Scriptural, that what was paid for on the cross; was for our souls and our spirits.  To either salvation eternal or denial of it, damnation eternal.  THAT'S what was paid for.

Do not be sheep, study God's Word for yourself.  Do not take the word blindly of anyone.  If you want the truth wholeheartedly, pick up that Word called the Bible.  Ask God in Jesus' name, as you study that Word that the Holy Spirit be sent to you to open the truth of those words yourself.


I've seen the best and the worst in men and women alike.  I've seen great men torn down because they denied God.  I've seen broken men raised up because of their love and faith in God.  i know, I'm one of those men.








A woman in Florida has been ordered by her homeowners association to take down her Blue Lives Matter flag.  She has been flying this flag for years, but suddenly; it is racist to fly it.  See video below.

A complaint was filed against this woman by someone affliated with the Black Lives Matter terrorist organization.  Now, I may be old school, but I believe that ALL lives matter, expecially to God.  Black people are out of control with this crap.  Do they really think that they are the only race who were slaves and treated badly by whites?

Chinese were slaves to the railroad, back in the old West.  Do you see them protesting for what they feel is owed them?  I haven't seen any carrying signs saying that Yellow Lives Matter.  I mean nothing derogatory, but if black skin matters; so do other skin colors.

Jews were slaves for hundreds of years in Egypt, before they were freed.  Do you see Israelis protesting in Egypt, demanding restitution?

And the one race who can truly bitch about how bad they had it here in the U.S.A. is the Native Americans.  They were in America FIRST and as a reward for their generosity and hospitality, they had everything stolen from them.  Do you see them protesting and destroying other people's property because they aren't getting their way?  No signs for Red Lives Matter there either.


What gives you the right, Black Lives Matter; to terrorize your fellow Americans the way you do?  Who do you think you are?  Let me ask you something...if some crazed psychopath or illegal immigrant was breaking into your home  who are you going to call for help?  Who would come to your aid first?  Your Black Lives Matter buddies or the heroes in blue?

Everyone bitches about the cops, but when they need help; they bitch if the cops are too slow to respond.  I don't blame them, I would have to think twice about going into an uncertain situation; where a uniform is a target.  It's getting to the point where cops would just rather walk the other way if they see any crime being committed, than risk being killed like an animal; by an animal.

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